Corpus Christi School has a Technology Committee which is a sub-committee of the Education Commission. If you would like to give your time and talent to this committee, please contact Mrs. Greaney at [email protected].
We are excited that every classroom has a Promethean Board. In the 2014 – 2015 school year, all the teachers were given Ipads to use, and the students have 82 Ipads to use in their classrooms.
In 2015, teachers were given document cameras, Apple TV’s and active slates to use in their classrooms.
In 2016, 20 new computers were purchased for in the computer lab. In 2017 10 new computers were purchased for the computer lab.
In the fall of 2017, 25 Chromebooks were purchased for the 6th grade classroom. For the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year the 4th 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders each have their own personal Chromebook for use during ILEARN and all other technology needs.

Corpus Christi School Goals
Develop, implement, and maintain professional development training programs for instructional personnel that enable achievement of teacher proficiency and integration of technology into the curriculum.
Technology resources will be provided for teachers.
In house training will be implemented.
Opportunities for professional development in technology will be provided. Develop, implement, and maintain professional development training programs for instructional personnel that enable achievement of teacher proficiency and integration of technology into the curriculum.
Curriculum mapping the technology standards and implementing a grade by grade technology curriculum will be developed based on the Indiana Technology Standards.
A checklist will be established listed skills to be mastered, reinforced and introduced.
A team of teachers will use a technology matrix to create curriculum maps for grades K-8.
Curriculum mapping the technology standards and implementing a grade by grade technology curriculum will be developed based on the Indiana Technology Standards.

Teachers will become more proficient in their teaching areas through the use of computers and other technological devices to enhance student learning.
White boards were added to all classrooms
Software was updated so it is compatible with all computers in the computer lab.
Additional fundraising, opportunities were established.
Purchases were made in software.
There are compatible computers programs in the computer lab.
Teachers are more proficient in their teaching areas through the use of computers and other technological devices to enhance student learning.
Teachers each received an Ipad, and a cart of Ipads transfers from room to room In 2015 – 2016 each classroom was given two Ipads to use in their room
The the fall of 2017 a set of Chromebooks were purchased for the 6th grade classroom.
For the beginning of the 2018 – 2019 school year Chromebooks were purchased for grades 4,5,6,7 and 8