
The Preschool classroom is always buzzing with activity. We are learning to make and be friends. We play, sing, and read.

We like to work with play dough and create with paint – brushes are not necessary we can use sponges, cotton swabs, or fingers.

We celebrate birthdays, holidays and every other special occasion imaginable. Through it all we learn – social, emotional, fine and gross motor, academic, and spiritual. There is so much to do and learn;  it can’t be done all in one year. So we move on Pre-K.


Pre-K does it all! We play sing, dance, read, draw, and write. There is so much to do to get ready to go to Kindergarten!

Our day starts with small group activities. We might practice writing our name, string beads in patterns, or work with ABC magnets. After we sing our welcome song and say our prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, we play. We dress-up, make music, color pictures, and explore sensory materials – sand, water, and rice to name a few. Circle Time is when we learn about the alphabet and numbers.

We do math and recite nursery rhymes. We need more energy to finish our day so we eat a healthy snack. With our bellies full and renewed energy we conclude our day working on craft projects, science experiments, or games. We are always moving!

Among our favorite experiences is exploring the woods around the scout cabin. We have a picnic and sing at the amphitheater while we are there. We enjoy trick-or-treating around the school at Halloween and hunting eggs at Easter.

We go to Church to read Bible stories. A police officer and a fireman visit us during the year and teach us how to be safe. At the end of the year we play in clean mud, ooblick, and goo. It is messy fun!

When our time in Pre-K is done, we have a graduation ceremony. We will wear caps and gowns and get our diplomas. Watch out Kindergarten – here we come!

Mrs. Beth Woodruff, Preschool Director, [email protected].


Deputies Visit PreK


Deputies Visit PreK


Perry Township visiting PreKindergarten


Deputies Visit PreK



Trick or Treating with PS


Trick or Treating with PS

Coyote Corner

Coyote Corner (Extended Care for Preschool)  at Corpus Christi provides a happy, safe, secure, stimulating, and spiritual atmosphere for each child.  Our intent is to make our daycare as much like “home” as possible.

Each day we open our doors at 7:10am until 5:30pm

Preschool children can attend on regular school days and non-school days  This is offered to enrolled Corpus Christi preschool children.

Each day we have a snack, eat lunch in the cafeteria, playtime, story time and nap(rest time), exercise, craft and centers.

Questions or Applications contact:

Lauren Hammelman, Coyote Corner Director, [email protected]